Digital Support

Weight loss at your fingertips.

Lose weight pages mocked up on iPhone

“The weight comes off without any effort, gloji is so much more than that though." 

Chrissi, 27 

How does it work?

Articles and my path pages mocked up on iphone

We give you...

Articles and my path pages mocked up on iphone
Articles and my path pages mocked up on iphone

You give us...

Recipes mock ups

Simple, tasty, healthy recipes

Master healthy eating and make meals you’ll love with 100’s of gloji recipes.

Gloji Gym logo

Use our FREE online gym to improve your health, fitness, flexibility and strength. 
Hundreds of classes are available including Pilates, HIIT and Tai Chi.

Mock up of support forum on Facebook on a laptop

Support when you need it most

Losing weight and changing your habits can be tough. Get support from us and the whole gloji community on our private Facebook members group.

Mock up of support forum on Facebook on a laptop

What our clients say...

This could be you in as little as 12 weeks, enjoying a bright and healthy future.

Man smiling

Free to join

Hampshire County Council pays for your place with gloji. Spaces are limited so we’ve got some eligibility criteria.

Can I join gloji lose weight?

The rules around who can join us vary a little based on criteria like where you live or work and your BMI.

The fastest way to find out if we’re a match is to sign up. We’ll guide you step-by-step to find out if you qualify for a free place.

Man smiling

Hampshire! Let’s do this.